Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What a busy month! Just a few announcements: After school tutoring started this week to prepare students for the benchmark. This is a great program and if you are interested please let me know. Also, Literacy Night is February 27th from 6-730. I will be sending home a flyer tomorrow with students on all the information. I look forward to seeing everyone! We also will be attending the book fair next week, so students will be coming home with their wishlist:) In class: 6th grade, students are reading about people in a variety of situations in which they demonstrated tremendous courage and overcame obstacles in life. Students are starting a mini research project on someone they think is couragous. 5th grade: We just finsihed Bud, Not Buddy. They wrote an essay on whether they think life is better today or in the 1930s. They used evidence from Bud, Not Buddy to help support their opinion in this essay. We have module tests at the end of the month, so we are now reviewing and getting prepared! Thanks for all that you do! I am so lucky to have such great kids!!